Saturday, June 16, 2012

Self Talk's middle of 2012.What have i done for a half year?
Do i really remember what i have to focus on? Ahahahaha...How is your commitment, Yas? Are you still committed?? 
When I got stuck in my mind, i promised to give the best what i do. It's kinda weird when you just promised your self but there's less action. Effortless. I do effortless..ahahhaha
And i have to answer is focus on my goal. Slipped schedule is another name for my inconsistency. That indicates my commitment is not strong enough. 
So next... What would i do? 
You don't have to answer it, just focus!! Prove your self!!
Be tough!! Trust your self!!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Ya mungkin ini yang namanya tersesat... tanpa ada petunjuk yang terbaca,,, perlukah kembali? atau terus langkahkan tekad? yaaa berhentilah sejenak... lihat sekelilingmu... mantapkan hati... dan terus melangkah...


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Waktunya memilih :)

Hiatttt.... minta petunjuk sama Tuhan...

"Tuhan...tolong beri petunjuk-Mu untuk ku"
Tuhan sudah menunjukkan jalan untuk ku
Tapi tugas ku harus memilih
Pilihan itu semua ada resikonya.. Entah baik atau buruk dilihat dari cara diri menghadapinya...
Lalu...buat apa kamu berpikr sana sini? Tohhh Ia yang menentukan. 
Ingat itu ya... :)